Pens and Pencils
Imagine this: you’re having an important phone call with lots of information you need to write down. You’re desperately scrambling in your desk drawer for a pen that works or a sharpened pencil but alas, you’re left forcing out notes with half a blunt pencil.
If this scenario sounds all too familiar, you’re probably in need of some new stationery and thankfully, Poundstretcher are here to help with our discounted range of pens and pencils.
Do you own a small office and are looking to replenish your stock of pens and pencils for your staff? If so, you can easily pop into one of our stores and find all the essential stationery you need, including discounted packs of pen and pencils.
With multi-pack buys, you can get your office back in working order in no time!
Pens and pencils come in useful a lot during our daily lives. Whether you need to make a shopping list before heading out to buy your groceries or write an essay at school, a trusty pen or pencil is exactly what you need.
Essentials don’t just have to be plain and boring! As well as having standard ballpoint pens and led pencils, we also have:
- Gel pens in exciting colours
- Colouring pencils
- Highlighter pens
These are great additions to your pencil cases that can add a little fun and colour to your day.
Did you know that the longest pencil in the world is 323.51m in length?
Our range of pens and pencils are all available for super affordable prices, meaning replacing stationery can be an easy job that doesn’t have to break the bank. Simply take a trip to your local Poundstretcher store and pick up what you need today.
Pens and Pencils Imagine this: you’re having an important phone call with lots of information you need to write down. You’re desperately scrambling in your desk
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