If you're the sort of person who only attempts a DIY project once in a blue moon, or when it gets to the point where the work becomes an absolute necessity, it stands to reason that you wouldn't want your tools to cost the earth. Generally speaking, a cheap hammer will do the same job that the same tool from the top of the price range, and will probably even be made from exactly the same materials. The same can be said for many hand tools that can be bought on a tight budget.
Our range of tools includes a 16OZ hammer, which comes complete with a rubber handle which makes it safer to grip, and a metal head which helps make the hammer durable. The heavy weight of the hammer means that it requires less effort on your part to drive nails in, as the weight of the hammer reduces the input needed.
Pliers are versatile tools, suitable for a wide range of jobs in the home or garden. Our long nose pliers can cut and strip wires, whilst the long nose ensures that they can perform all kinds of gripping tasks. The moulded grip on the pliers makes them easy to hold when working with them. When it comes to using a screwdriver, many households tend to need to search high and low to find one, before resorting to using a knife from the kitchen drawer. Of all of the cheap tools on the site, a set of screwdrivers and bits is likely to be the most useful, versatile and necessary tools a household could buy.
If you're the sort of person who only attempts a DIY project once in a blue moon, or when it gets to the point where the work becomes an absolute necessity, it stands to reason that you wouldn't wa
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